Enroll in Online Graduate Courses at Select Institutions
NEXus (The Nursing Education Xchange) is a consortium of select institutions that offer online graduate programs in Nursing (Masters, PhD, and DNP). Member institutions offer over 300 online courses annually through the Xchange.
NEXus member institutions provide opportunities for and encourage students to take online courses from other member institutions. Students work with their advisors to select the best course/s that can serve as an elective in the student’s degree program or possibly substitute for a required course for an off-time student. Currently, there are 15 institutions across the nation participating in NEXus.
The overall goal of NEXus is to address the nursing shortage by educating well-prepared nurse educators through application of distance accessible delivery methods, enabling rural nurses to remain in their home communities and be employed in rural nursing education programs.
Registration & Deadlines
Students are responsible for meeting the registration and payment deadlines of the institution that is offering the course. Please note: In most cases, the academic calendars of other schools do not coincide with the University of Utah's academic calendar. Please see the Registration Deadlines linked in “NEXus Resources” below.
The current rate for a NEXus course is $865 per semester credit hour and is adjusted to $577 per quarter credit hour. This fee is intended to cover all associated university fees such as technology, library or application fees. Tuition is paid directly to the teaching institution. Students receiving scholarships and other types of funding will need to consult with their advisors on whether those funds can be used to cover NEXus courses. As with all courses, you are responsible for the cost of your books and educational materials.
- Interested students should contact the College of Nursing Campus Staff Coordinator, Heather Clarkson, or their committee chair for information on course offerings and enrollment procedures.
- Decisions about selecting NEXus courses must be made in consultation with one's academic advisor and/or committee chair. The enrollment process will be facilitated by the College of Nursing Campus Staff Coordinator.
Technology Requirements
- Courses meet online and may be synchronous or asynchronous.
- Participating institutions use different course management apps: Canvas or something similar. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the course instructors to find that app and learn how to use it.
- Synchronous courses usually meet via Zoom or Teams. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have the information necessary to join the class and follow the class schedule.
- Students are required to abide by the teaching school’s encryption and data security policies.
Heather Clarkson
Phone: (801) 585-1671
Email: heather.clarkson@nurs.utah.edu