Doctoral-prepared primary care nurse practitioners provide primary care to populations of various ages within community setting acting as their primary care provider or skilled clinician in a specialty care setting: Adult/Gerontology, Family, or Pediatrics. The Primary Care specialty track is completed in three years, including two summer semesters. Doctoral students will:
- Develop and learn skills to influence public policy through participation in professional organizations and health policy activities at the local, state, national, and international levels.
- Take courses in evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and systems leadership.
- Learn to assess and manage new health concerns, chronic illnesses, and disease prevention/health promotion services.
- Have clinical experiences in a variety of outpatient settings.
- Complete an original/publishable doctoral project exemplifying skills and knowledge in primary care.
Adult/Gerontology Primary Care nurse practitioners provide primary care for individuals from late adolescence to older adult.
Family Primary Care nurse practitioners provide primary care for individuals throughout the lifespan.
Pediatric nurse practitioners provide primary care for children from infancy through young adulthood. Pediatric care, treatment, and clinical services will be taught with a focus on the respect of children and family needs.
Contact Us
Office of Student Services
Phone: 801-587-3194
Questions for a graduate advisor?
Program Manager
Shelley Kern, MPC
Email: gradstudentinfo@nurs.utah.edu
A/GPC Faculty Specialty Track Director
Valerie J. Flattes, APRN, ANP, BC, MS
Email: valerie.flattes@nurs.utah.edu
Family Faculty Specialty Track Director
Amanda Al-Khudairi, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, WHNP-BC
Pediatric Faculty Specialty Track Director
Robert J. Sylvester, DNP, CPNP-PC
Email: robert.sylvester@nurs.utah.edu