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Travel Scholarships


The College of Nursing (CON) has a limited amount of travel scholarship funding dedicated to supporting students who attend professional meetings/conferences. Students may receive only one travel scholarship per academic year. Funding will be provided as a reimbursement to the student.

Eligibility Requirements & Application

Eligible individuals for a travel scholarship meet these requirements:

  • CON students, including students from the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program and students engaged in CON faculty-mentored research.
  • INELIGIBILE students include: not actively enrolled (e.g., on LOA) or who are on probation are not eligible. Students who have access to other funds to support travel (individual sponsoring faculty, grants, DNP scholarly project funds, NFLP, GIP or NI funds) are not eligible.

Additional Travel Funding

Students are encouraged to apply for the travel funding offered by other UofU programs and departments.  These funds will supplement a travel award from the College of Nursing.  Students are not required to receive these additional travel awards to be eligible for the College of Nursing travel scholarship.  But, please note: these other travel scholarships may require proof that students have applied for, and received, a College of Nursing travel scholarship.

Graduate Students: Travel & Virtual Conference Assistance
Undergraduate Students: Travel and Small GrantsASUU Travel Funding

Funding Amount

  • Requests up to a maximum of $1500 are considered.

Application Deadline

Until funds exhausted.

Funding Priority

  • Priority is granted particular conferences and additional meetings
  • Priority will be given to students presenting (reference the policy document for more information)
  • Priority is determined by the received date of travel application
  • Applications not awarded funding will be placed on a waitlist in the event funding becomes available
  • Students should not submit an abstract if their chair/advisor/co-authors are unable to present in the student's absence

Eligible Reimbursements

  • Airfare or car mileage
  • Ground transportation fares
  • Lodging
  • Abstract fees
  • Conference registration fees

*Society memberships; poster preparation fees; and per diem are not eligible for reimbursement.

Contact Us

Heather Clarkson, M.Ed.
Scholarships & Student Funding Administrator
Phone:  (801) 585-1671

Office of Student Services
Phone: (801) 587-3194

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