A total of 15 credit hours are required to complete the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Certificate Program. Coursework can be completed in as little as two semesters. All certificate requirements must be completed within three years. All Gerontology courses and electives that are counted toward the certificate must be completed with a letter grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable) and an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better for all courses counted toward the certificate.
Core Courses (9 Credits)
Both of the following courses are required:
- GERON 6001: Introduction to Gerontology (3)
- GERON 6370: Health and Optimal Aging (3)
Plus ONE of the following two courses:
- GERON 6002: Service Agencies and Programs for Older Adults (3)
- GERON 6990: Practicum (3)
Electives (6 credits)
At least two of the following electives:
- GERON 5005: Diversity and Aging (3)
- GERON 5220: Caregiving and Aging Families (3)
- GERON 6002: Services Agencies and Programs for Older Adults (3)
- GERON 6003: Research Methods in Aging (3)
- GERON 6050: Best Practices in Geriatric Care (3)
- GERON 6100: Applications of Research Aging (3)
- GERON 6235: Successful Cognitive and Emotional Aging (3)
- GERON 6240: Aging and the Arts (3)
- GERON 6280: International Dimensions of Lifelong Learning (3)
- GERON 6320: Death, Dying, and Bereavement (3)
- GERON 6400: Gerontology Research (1-3)
- GERON 6500: Social and Public Policy in Aging (3)
- GERON 6564: Interdisciplinary Approach to End-of-Life/Palliative Care (2)
- GERON 6960: Special Topics: Leadership and Career Advancement (1-3)
- GERON 6990: Practicum (1-3)