2024-25 U.S. News & World Report Academic Rankings
#11 Nursing-Midwifery Track
#12 Online Master of Science in Nursing Program
#25 Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
#39 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program - Highest Ranked BSN Program in Utah
#17 NIH funding rank (#12 for public universities)
$62M Total grant portfolio
$4.5M In donor funding
$2.46M In student traineeships and scholarships
487 Donors
10 Endowed Chairs
Faculty Practice
9,000 Personal contacts through Caring Connections: A Hope and
Comfort in Grief Program
25,255 Health care visits for incarcerated youth through Utah Juvenile
Justice Services
10,000+ Hours of one-on-one student learning by all faculty practice sites
9 DNP scholarly projects implemented at faculty practice sites