Advancing Nursing and Shaping Health Care
Mission: Shaping the future of health care to be equitable—allowing everyone to experience life and death to the fullest.
Vision: The College of Nursing unifies and inspires scientists, educators, clinicians, staff, and students to design, lead, and achieve equitable improvements for the well-being of all.
Explore Our Mission Areas
Positioned to Lead: Strategic Plan 2023
We will partner with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities to foster meaningful social change, advocate for health equity, and enhance the quality of life of those we serve.
Educate the Nursing and Gerontology Workforce
1. Strengthen and align education pathways and training to meet evolving workforce needs
2. Provide career development opportunities for students, trainees, and professionals
3. Strengthen nursing and gerontology education pathways
4. Develop and model, practice and standard guidelines that support nurses in providing safe and ethical nursing care to the people of Utah and beyond
5. Build meaningful collaborations with USHE nursing programs to collectively address nursing workforce challenges
Generate, Advance, and Share Knowledge to Contribute to Solutions
1. Contribute to evidence-based policy-making
2. Invest in key strengths that demonstrate potential to achieve local, regional, and national impact
3. Build a culture of recognition
Improve Individual and Community Health
1. Improve and expand local and regional academic-practice partnerships
2. Expand academic-practice partnerships to encompass non-clinical care work
3. Expand local and global health presence and activities
We will build a partnership-ready organization that demonstrates collaboration, defines the challenges our partnerships can solve, engages in mutually beneficial relationships, and provides the support systems and processes needed to achieve shared goals.
Promote Synergy and Support Coordinated Work
1. Strengthen internal communications
2. Align programmatic activities that have a shared purpose, vision, and benefits
3. Eliminate redundancy to improve work productivity and quality
4. Create structures that promote sharing of revenue
5. Allocate resources flexibly
Be a Health System Collaborator
1. Strengthen and increase formal representation within U Health
2. Establish strong connections with West Valley community and identify needs that the CON is ideally suited to support
3. Contribute to U Health plans and priorities
Contribute to the Success of Main Campus Initiatives
1. Strengthen CON’s alignment with University plans and priorities across all mission areas
2. Support CON representation and participation in Main Campus activities that align with CON strategy
Build Effective CON-Community Partnerships
1. Engage in bi-directional partnerships that contribute to achieving a shared goal that aligns with CON’s mission, vision, and goals
We will create an exceptional learning and work environment where we welcome all people, respect differences, value individual wellness, support people, and acknowledge and celebrate success.
Cultivate a Sense of Belonging
1. Provide effective onboarding and sustained mentoring that promotes connection and supports success
2. Celebrate our achievements and promote the collective impact the college makes locally, regionally, and nationally
Promote Individual Wellness
1. Support employee and student physical, emotional, and mental well-being
2. Increase job satisfaction and student/employee engagement
Support Sustainable Infrastructure Designed to Support Organizational Success
1. Ensure financial strength and stability through sustainable and innovative financial models
2. Provide and support equitable compensation, career development, and progression opportunities
3. Optimize delivery of programs and services through implementation of best practices focused on efficiency, effectiveness, health, safety, confidence, cost, and quality
Provide exceptional student and student learning experience
1. Engage students in program and curricular improvement planning
2. Improve support for current and projected student needs (holistically)
3. Ensure sufficient quantity of high-quality experiential learning
4. Support educational scholarship and teaching excellence