On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 University of Utah President Taylor Randall and interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Martell Teasley visited the College of Nursing (CON).
Randall and Teasley met with the CON's Academic Leadership Team to discuss the widespread and innovative work that the college executes, how the CON can promote the One U initiative, and how University of Utah leadership can support the college in the future. The CON also held a town hall that gave staff and faculty a forum to showcase the college’s impact, share thoughts with Randall, and ask about goals and initiatives moving forward. The college looks forward to continued collaboration with President Randall and SVPAA Teasley.
"I’m excited about President Randall's visit to the College of Nursing. My goal is for him to learn much about our college, and to leave with a greater understanding and sense of awe about our important work, notable contributions to nursing, gerontology, and health care; and our role within and value to the U," says CON Dean Marla De Jong.